In July 2018, PRAYAS has started a project on it which is very important to take care for providing Community Based Health Care Support (Formerly BHCS) to local people by undertaking a concrete program to this direction that also making side by side with the system prevailing in Govt. Health infrastructure by assisting Govt. system and to take measure if any gaps of health services and to provide additional as well through awareness program, organizing workshops involving target community, convening meeting ensuring participation of both Govt. staff, local elite personalities and our staff to work.
There has been increase in areas of operation of the programme; at present we are working in 4samsads of 2 panchayats in Shyampur -II block covering 4 sub- centers.
To develop a comprehensive community based health care & support, with particular emphasis on govt. health care support system access to affordable, sustainable and equitable quality health services taking account peoples’ need.
- Support to Govt. Health care services :
The organization is providing additional support at sub center level to decrease the rate of malnutrition and care for ANC/PNC mothers as well along with govt. health dept. Identified cases are referred to sub center and also for advocacy to gram panchayat VHSNC. - Advocacy Meetings with different stakeholder :
Few important dates of internationally observed like International Women Day, International/nation girl child day, Celebrated Nutrition Month leprosy control program where BMOH has also taken part. We are conducting advocacy meeting involving stakeholders & Govt. official, PRI personnel , BMOH, Health Supervisor, ANM, CDPO, AWW, counselor of ANNESHA clinic etc., regarding the health issues through group meeting or one to one interaction. - Health orientation/sensitization program :
We are conducting sensitization program / orientation involving VHSNC, ASHA, SHG, AWW on different health issues like, cervical cancer, growth monitoring and management highlighting local health issue, water and sanitation program etc. - Community awareness program :
Community awareness Programe on different issues on health with the participation of ANM, 2ndANM, AWW, VHSNC in these programs. It is helpful to reach extreme grass root level. These programs are beneficial to mothers and significant changes have been observed like spot feeding and family planning, Sukanya, SASPFUW and Atal Pension scheme etc. - Capacity Building of Grassroots CBOs :
We are building up of capacity of CBOs, SHGs and Adolescent groups attending in several meetings & training program in order to increase the practice with the help of qualified doctor attending at any gynecological checkup instead of visiting RMP. The qualified doctors are now available in rendering services at sub center. The patients like women & adolescent girls have changed their mindset & started coming to sub center for checkup on regular basis.
Health care Services :
It is big credit to us that one more health care service are being conducted by PRAYAS that are described categorically below with their impact:
To prevent common ailments health To check up health for habitants in order to prevent common ailments and that are held as a regular basis.
- To attain basic health and hygiene an awareness raising program are to be conducted with the contents like immunization, natal care(both pre and post), basic mother and child health care, fertility control.
- To encourage people to come forward to donate blood in order to cope with over all shortages of blood for general and thalasemia patients.
- To prevent deficiency diseases distribution of Albendazole and Vitamin A tablets are to be distributed.
- To provide low cost latrines to poor people who cannot afford to build for the sane as a wide purpose to save human health and environment.
- Health Check-up camp.
- Blood Donation Camp.
- Construction of Low cost latrines.