Prayas Abalamban

PRAYAS ABALAMBAN (School for Migrant Children): We run school since from 2009, the projectis running 4 Schools for the children of migrant workers who mostly come from the state of Jharkhand & Bihar. The four schools are situated in the four brick kilns area in Shyampur I and II Blocks of Howrah district with an enrolment of 267students.


  • To provide basic literacy, education and within its values to the children in the project area, mostly from tribal background
  • To promote the concept of need for education among parents
  • To liaison with local schools for admission of the tribal children for mainstreaming in the formal schools
  • Inclusion of scientific data on seasonal migration so help effective planning towards rehabilitation of the affected children.
  • To nurture the emotional, intellectual and behavioral aspect of the children to propel them for a better future in their life for the time to come.


  • Running schools for children
  • Mainstreaming
  • Providing supplementary nutritional support
  • Arranging health check-up program and maintenance of hygiene
  • Holding parents meetings
  • Athletic meets & sports competition
  • Adolescents meetings
  • Recreation by educational tour and picnic
  • Annual festival of children